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Quartz (Global business)
As and , the Biden administration is making a multi-billion dollar effort to bring chipmaking back to the U.S.
wants to and is aiming to do so by .
A homage to Phil Eklund’s masterpiece, High Frontier, on its twenty-fifth birthday.
Disenchantment is leading younger generations to embrace a politics marked by anger and alienation.
Radio Free Asia (US)
4 protesters who were arrested are released, but say they were beaten.
He is the first to be released from jail alive in southern Kashgar village
RAND: International
Random Thoughts (Nick Patterson)
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Ray McGovern
<p class="excerpt">FALSE FLAG ALERT: Iran is now in crosshairs not only of Netanyahu but also former NYTimes scribe J...
<p class="excerpt">Pre-Netanyahu ‘Presidential Briefing’ (1-minute clip) To Avoid Wider War, Widen Wedge Between Neta...
Razib Khan
Spaceflight and genomics
The Real News
The Paris Olympics have accelerated a process of `social cleansing` targeting the homeless and most vulnerable in the...
El Paso police are under scrutiny following the arrest of Eddie Holguin during a bizarre traffic stop. Holguin had pr...
Reason Magazine
Customs and Border Protection insists that it can search electronics without a warrant. A federal judge just said it ...
Venue roulette, a sham affidavit, and uninspected bloomin’ onions.
Mr. Beast says that he has parted ways with the transgender member of his team, Kris Tyson, who now calls himself Ava...
Nazis are on tour in Europe. Did you get your tickets? Ukraine has sent its 3rd Assault Brigade to tour nine cities i...
The Register
<h4>Previous outlawing attempt flew off, will this one stick the landing?</h4> US senators have been asked again to c...
<h4>FTC boss must be doing something right if folks will pay to get her binned</h4> LinkedIn cofounder and venture ca...
Remix News
Fidesz VP Kinga Gál speaks to Mandiner’s Daniel Kacsoh on the new Patriots for Europe group, the left’s policy of pol...
The acts of sabotage to France`s key rail infrastructure occurred just hours before the opening ceremony of the Paris...
República dos Pijamas (Portugal)
Partindo de um epis&#243;dio da Isl&#226;ndia, a redu&#231;&#227;o do hor&#225;rio de trabalho tem sido usada para oc...
Getting dressed is a universal human trait, but the textile industry is collapsing environmental systems everywhere. ...
Traffic engineers will need to focus more on accessibility, and less on mobility. As Lewis Mumford wrote in 1963, in ...
Responsible Statecraft
The Pentagon has that it has undervalued ammunition, missiles and other military equipment provided to Ukraine, op...
Sunday’s presidential election in Venezuela is turning out to be much more significant than many of us anticipated ...
Ron Paul Institute
In his effort to promote the United States government pursuing a noninterventionist foreign policy, Ron Paul has ofte...
In a mere 11 minutes on Wednesday night, President Biden settled any doubts about whether he was fit for another fou...
Russian Go Federation
Narendra Modi is reportedly planning a trip to Kiev in late August, having met with Russian President Vladimir Putin...
At a meeting in Brazil, the US led the campaign against a minimum levy on the world’s richest 3,000 people
Science Alert
<figure id="attachment_133720"></figure> Simple steps to reduce your exposure.
<figure id="attachment_133183"></figure> A major step forward for treatment.
Science-Based Medicine
Doctors who claimed that only enormous RCTs for every variant could demonstrate the COVID vaccine`s benefits, were fi...
Rehabilitation robots, first introduced in the 1990s, are just what they sound like – robotics used to aid in regaini...
Studying the reptile’s ironclad teeth in more detail could help solve a dinosaur dental mystery.
By turning period blood into a gel, the pad’s alginate powder filler reduces leakage.
Scientific American
Mysterious "leopard spots" on a Martian rock could be evidence of extraterrestrial life&mdash;or of mere lifeless che...
Flaws in the CDC`s H5N1 test highlight the risks of relying on a single test supplier, some experts say
The Supreme Court on Friday afternoon appointed a former clerk to Justice Samuel Alito (who also served as a clerk to...
The Supreme Court will hear a challenge to the Biden administration’s efforts to regulate so-called “ghost guns” in t...
Setenta e Quatro (Portugal)
Singapore Star
When it comes to artistic swimming, Russia is an Olympic powerhouse. The national team has won every single event - t...
Athletes floating by were immersed in a journey through French culture and values.
The Slavland Chronicles
Will Dana White end the Ukraine war?
Part I: The Left has gone bananas!
SMAS de Mafra (Mafra water company)
Her political opponents are sharing a screenshot supposedly comparing two Associated Press headlines — one from 2016 ...
#CancelNetflix trended as a result.
Social Europe
The Hungarian premier’s alignment with Putin’s Russia sits increasingly uneasily with his domestic and European polit...
Climate change is a global challenge, yet trade rules do not allow developing countries to break with neoliberal orth...
Socialist Worker (UK)
The Labour government of 1945-51 has a wholly undeserved reputation for being progressive as far as British imperiali...
Thousands of people were set to join the London Trans+ Pride march this Saturday under the slogan, “None of us are fr...
Software Freedom Conservancy
South China Morning Post
The Belt and Road Initiative is picking up momentum amid increasing synergy with countries in the expanding Brics gro...
Finance vice-minister Liao Min calls for candid exchanges among major economies ‘with respect to rules of market econ...
A salvo of rockets launched early on July 27 hit a United States military base located within the Conoco gas...
The Russian military carried out 33 group strikes against targets in Ukraine over the past week, the Russian Ministry...
NASA astronauts held their own mini-Olympics on the International Space Station to mark the start of the Summer Games...
SpaceX is now eyeing mid- to late August for the launch of the Polaris Dawn astronaut mission, which will feature the...
Speech First
Sputnik News
ASEAN countries have expressed interest in Russia’s idea of forming a new security architecture in Eurasia, as they u...
On July 26, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov took part in the two-day annual ministerial meetings of the Associ...
Stars and Stripes
California’s largest active fire exploded in size on Friday evening, growing rapidly amid bone-dry fuel and threateni...
Philippine government personnel transported food and other supplies Saturday to a fiercely disputed shoal occupied by...
The Straits Times
SEOUL - Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said on Saturday a recently announced guideline on the operation of U....
ABUJA - Nigerian courts convicted 125 Boko Haram Islamist militants and financiers of a series of terrorism-related o...
Strategic Culture [Russian site]
Sydney Morning Herald
Frank O’Neill moved from Olympic swimming to instructing the rich and famous around the world.
The Broncos five-eighth thought he was a chance at stopping Connor Tracey scoring.
Taiwanese Public Opinion Foundation
Taki's Magazine
A straw poll of taxi drivers in Paris that I conducted in the run-up to the Olympics suggested less than enthusiasm f...
Alcoholics Anonymous is no longer a fellowship of men and women, as used to be reassuringly stated at the start of ev...
Tap News (Alternative Media)
<div class="et_post_meta_wrapper"> <p class="post-meta"> </p>
En varios países continúan realizándose actividades para expresar apoyo al pueblo palestino y condenar el genocidio q...
Las graves inundaciones han afectado casas que han sido arrasadas por las aguas del temporal, así como carreteras ane...
Kamala Harris says she has raised $230,000,000 in campaign funds from rich American liberals. Why are rich [&#8230;]
Since posting this article: “Democrats Need Second Thoughts About Possible VP Candidate Pennsylvania Governor Josh Sh...
The ceremony was full of flair and emotion, but also some, well, wacky moments that bewildered and amused many viewers.
In the end, Paris gave us an Olympic opener we’ll all remember.
The Times of Israel
Unlike museums that have fought in court to retain art stolen by Third Reich, Papanek family, who also survived Nazis...
On this Olympics weekend, we share stories of sportsmen - runners, bikers, a swimmer, a judoka, soccer players and a ...
At the end of the last century, hoping to drive the United States from Saudi Arabia, the home of Islam’s holiest site...
The Biden campaign drove the Democratic Party into a ditch and speculation is rampant about grim prospects for the el...
Tony Greenstein blog
The National Education Association has been using its employees’ health insurance as a bludgeon at the bargaining table.
Major Wall Street donors have mounted a push to oust the FTC chair over her crackdowns on corporate power.

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