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Mail and Guardian (South Africa)
The provincial government leader allegedly received R185 000 from the spoils of the tender
What is going to happen when 91 year-old Paul Biya dies?
Media Lens
In 1859, the English philosopher John Stuart Mill wrote that China offered a ‘warning example’ to the West. Yes, Mill...
Au-delà du ressentiment qu`il a généré en France, après l`annulation du contrat SEA 1000, le programme SSN AUKUS, au ...
Alors que les risques de voir Washington affaiblir ou supprimer la protection américaine de l`Europe ne cessent de cr...
Retired Major General Giora Eiland’s shocking proposal to starve out northern Gaza’s civilians, backed by top Israeli...
Rajwani’s imprisonment comes as part of a broader crackdown on pro-Palestinian activism in the UK, with activists fac...
Le Monde
A travers les BRICS et d’autres organisations internationales qu’elle domine, la Chine renforce ses liens avec les pa...
Aux biais bien connus des enquêtes d’opinion – échantillons trop peu représentatifs, réticences à répondre de certain...
Mondoweiss (Israel, Palestine, and USA)
The siege of north Gaza and Jabalia refugee camp enters its third week as Israel has cut off aid to some 200,000 peop...
Israel`s conditions for a ceasefire in Lebanon include allowing Israel to operate inside Lebanese territory against H...
Moon of Alabama
Mother Jones
The below article first appeared in David Corn’s newsletter, Our Land. The newsletter comes out twice a week (most of...
This story was originally published by the Guardian and is reproduced here as part of the Climate Desk collaboration....
naked capitalism
Financial vehicles designed to conceal wealth and questionable activity fuel corruption and crime while allowing perp...
Hot takes on Trump`s campaign "stunt" at McDonald`sa
The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Ames Research Center (ARC) on behalf of the Space Technology...
Chile will sign the Artemis Accords during a ceremony at 3 p.m. EDT on Friday, Oct. 25, at NASA’s Headquarters in Was...
Nathan Cofnas's Newsletter
National Review
Squint and you can see signs that the stars may be aligning for the former president at just the right time.
Their passivity before campus activists has stoked an atmosphere that invites mob violence, chaos, and disrespect for...
Author Correction: A physical wiring diagram for the human immune system
Support for a moderate environmental group rose after a motorway closure, substantiating the ‘radical flank effect’.
NBC News
Voters in California, Colorado and Hawaii will have a chance to remove currently unenforceable language from their st...
CHICAGO — The CDC is deploying a team to Washington state to assess the health of farm workers who culled poultry suf...
Neue Zürcher Zeitung
Im Zickzack von Zürich nach Tokio und zurück: wenn die Geopolitik die Flugroute bestimmt.
In der Schweiz leben immer mehr Menschen. Das Bevölkerungswachstum wäre jedoch noch stärker, wenn nicht viele Ausländ...
Neuroscience News
A recent study found that vitamin D deficiency during childhood accelerates the aging of the thymus, a crucial organ ...
Researchers developed an AI algorithm, ARC-SV, to detect complex structural variants in the human genome that previou...
The New Atlas (Brian Berletic)
<b>September 24, 2024</b> () - Amid the ongoing conflict in Ukraine and growing tensions in the Asia-Pacific, Washing...
<b>September 20, 2024</b> () - Western media is calling an indiscriminate Israeli terrorist attack across Lebanon tha...
New Eastern Outlook
The question now hangs in the air: will Berlin reconsider its role with Russia, or let the engine seize up? Recently,...
New York Times
In an interview, the Treasury secretary also highlighted progress at the World Bank and the International Monetary Fu...
In a text message, Mitt Romney sounded down on the idea. John Bolton said his chances were “substantially less than z...
New Zealand Herald
Part of the ordeal, carried out by other women, was filmed and posted on social media.
`An investigation was launched after the matter was reported to police last month.`
Novara Media
Are you a Black Cat? Or a #cleangirl? Do you have Main Character Energy? Moya has a big theory about the urge to give...
The Met police officer who shot Chris Kaba in September 2022 has been found not guilty of murder. Plus: An indigenous... (European privacy NGO)
Ukraine is suffering from more than a Russian invasion. Births have plummeted. But many families with help from the g...
The Neighborhood Assistance Corporation of America, which helps members get affordable mortgages, says its 3.7 millio...
The Objective
<div></div> The Institute for Independent Journalists report is an effort toward filling the data gap left behind by ...
Klaus Schwab is on suicide watch after Russia’s central bank announced on Thursday that it is preparing for the large...
Our successor to This Week in the Guardian, This Week in the New Normal is our weekly (or, in this case, four-monthly... Oil and Energy News
A federal judge has given the National Marine Fisheries Service five more months to complete a new biological opinion...
Southeast Asia needs to significantly increase its investments in the energy transition, boosting the amount fivefold...
Oliver Johnson: data models
Bustin` makes me feel good
Governments pretend seasonal visas are a &#x27;triple win&#x27;, but their design puts migrant labourers at severe risk
John-Allan Namu and Agather Atuhaire tell openDemocracy about receiving death threats and fearing being monitored
Oriental Review
News about the death of a Canadian, European or American in Ukraine regularly appears in the media. However, even tho...
The fact that NATO has lost and Russia has won the war in Ukraine, is described to the public for the first time on O...
Our World in Data
Who gives and receives foreign aid? Which forms does it take? What are examples of when it was (un-)successful?<br><br>
Maize yields could see significant declines, but wheat could increase. Impacts across the world will be very differen...
Overton Magazin (German)
Die Weltuntergangsuhr zeigt 90 Sekunden vor Mitternacht – was bleibt ist Widerstand.
Infolge seiner Kriegstreiberei und Unnachgiebigkeit ist Israel nun fast vollständig von der internationalen Gemeinsch...
Oxford and Cambridge Club of Geneva
Oxford and Cambridge Club of Zurich
Pub meet-up in Bern
15th April Drinks
Oxford public lectures
Abstract: AI assistants have entered various spheres of activity including education, work life and personal life. Th...
The exhibition celebrates Christ Church’s 17th-century collections and the Library’s recent acquisition of Robert Bur...
Partido Comunista Português
Passaram, esta semana, sete anos sobre os fatídicos incêndios de 15 e 16 de Outubro de 2017, que atingiram diversos d...
Ontem, dia 18, o PCP realizou no Centro de Trabalho Vitória, em Lisboa, a audição pública «Dos solos ao direito à hab...
El País
La milicia chií lanza un ataque contra una base militar en la ciudad portuaria de Haifa | El secretario de Estado de ...
El acuerdo se produce 25 años después del Convenio de Albufeira para resolver poblemas como las captaciones ilegales ...
It`s basically free–but at the same time it`s hideously expensive. What gives?
As dictators form alliances, ordinary North Koreans need the free world`s support more than ever.
A team of scientists has discovered surprising connections among gene activity, genome packing, and genome-wide motio...
Researchers have discovered a new group of bacterial toxins that can kill harmful bacteria and fungi, opening the doo...
Physics World
Join the audience for a live webinar on 7 November 2024 sponsored by IOP Publishing`s journal, Plasma Science and Tec...
Tulika Bose, Philip Burrows and Tara Shears discuss proposals for the next big particle collider
Pippa Malmgren's blog
Politico: European Union
In Michigan, New York, Montana and elsewhere, Republicans have seized on Biden administration electric vehicle policies.
Stumping for Trump, the tycoon is embracing a progress-for-its-own-sake vision of the future. Guess who benefits?
Politico: US Congress
The interim report cited several issues in coordination and planning in the lead up to and during the July 13 rally.
Politico: US Economy
The Democratic nominee isn’t campaigning much on the Biden administration’s bigger, slower-moving policies.
Pravda (English edition)
The Russian Armed Forces prepare to begin fighting for the city of Sudzha in the Kursk region. The Russian troops are...
The Russian troops raised a North Korean flag against the backdrop of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky`s statem...
Project Censored
By Lamees Hijazi Western colonialism and imperialism are the roots of the Palestinian struggle. A common characterist...
Project Syndicate
Protectionist trade tariffs cannot provide workers with the economic security they seek. But domestic labor legislati...
The world is at a crossroads, with one path leading to ever more global fragmentation and deepening crises, and the o...
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Purism: Freedom, Privacy, Security
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