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Haaretz Israel news
Sa`ar, who left Likud in 2020 because the party `has become a tool serving the prime minister`s interests` joined Net...
This is the first time Israel has invited right-wing European politicians to a national event, signaling a new unspok...
Harvard Gazette
How closely have you been following the Gazette? Take our quiz to find out.
Cambridge Typewriter, one of few shops left to buy, repair vintage machines, prepares to close doors after more than ...
High Pay Centre
Barclays and Natwest under scrutiny for excessive pay awards
HPC Executive Director Luke Hildyard`s contribution to a report on remuneration in the financial services sector in 2...
Huffington Post
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy chided Russia for what he described as its slow response to the Trump adminis...
"But, really, leave the wombat alone," Australian Foreign Minister Penny Wong said of the stunt by Sam Jones, a self-...
Human Rights Watch
Click to expand Image Tof...
Click to expand Image Pol...
IMF News
An IMF fact-finding mission visited Lebanon from March 10-13. It welcomed the authorities’ request for a new IMF-supp...
The Independent (UK)
Growing tensions between US and its NATO allies comes as west wants to isolate Iran from an interconnected world, wri...
Court rulings across the country have flatly rejected Trump’s attempt to redefine the 14th Amendment
Independent Journal Review
Democratic strategist James Carville suggested during a Thursday podcast that President Donald Trump is only pursuing...
The Indianapolis Public Schools (IPS) district has adopted a swath of racial equity policies and paid over $1,300,000...
Independent news and comment from Israel
Nidal Badarneh was arrested for joking about Israeli hostages. Yet when Israeli comedians joke about the war, or even...
Schools across the United States have a choice: defend their students against Trump or be complicit in his crimes.
The post appeared first on .
The Information
A growing number of artificial intelligence assistants will make workers more productive in specialized fields such a...
There are two basic ways for startup founders to respond when much larger competitors encroach on their realm. They c...
Inst for International Monetary Affairs
Institute for Policy Studies
A webinar series where we`ll apply global lessons to the present moment in the US.
Cutting life-saving services to further enrich billionaires and Pentagon contractors is the worst possible option.
Inter Press Service
Since the Taliban’s return to power in Afghanistan nearly four years ago, human rights have begun diminishing for ove...
After the controversial lifting of a six-year moratorium or temporary ban on logging activities in public and communi...
Inter Press: Economy, Trade
Since the Taliban’s return to power in Afghanistan nearly four years ago, human rights have begun diminishing for ove...
After the controversial lifting of a six-year moratorium or temporary ban on logging activities in public and communi...
Inter Press: Headlines
Since the Taliban’s return to power in Afghanistan nearly four years ago, human rights have begun diminishing for ove...
After the controversial lifting of a six-year moratorium or temporary ban on logging activities in public and communi...
The Intercept
If Senate Democrats oppose Trump’s budget, why are they considering providing Republicans with the needed votes to in...
Lawyers trying to free the Columbia University activist point to a legal exception undermining the Trump administrati...
International Organisation for Migration
<span>Tokyo, 12 March 2025 –</span><span> The Government of Japan has allocated USD 55 million to support a wide rang...
Damascus/ Geneva, 7 March 2025 – A new report by the International Organization for Migration (IOM) shows that almost...
International Viewpoint
The situation in France is marked by the general crisis of capitalism and its place in the international balance of f...
Ståle Holgersen is a Senior Lecturer in Human Geography at Stockholm University and a member of the ecosocialist Zetk...
Interreg Mediterranean
IPMA Notícias
Realizou-se, no dia 7 de março, nas instalações do IPMA em Algés, a primeira reunião de progresso do projeto EÓLICAS-...
No inicio de março de 2025, decorreu no IPMA uma reunião dedicada à discussão da problemática do tsunami forecasting....
Go with the flow and open source :)
Prolong your laptop`s battery life in long run by limiting the charging to 80%.
J. W. Mason
(I write a monthlyish opinion piece for Barron’s. This one was published there in September. My previous pieces are h...
In recent days, there has been a good deal of discussion in the business press and on economics Bluesky about the Atl...
For many Australians, there is nothing that epitomizes high summer more than the doof (for those unacquainted with th...
Does the public have a right to know who exactly is paying to lobby judges to deliver favorable rulings? A committee ...
James Webb telescope blog
Jamestown Foundation
The Jewish Chronicle
Commemorative events took place up and down the country
Yechiel Leiter, who began his new appointment on Friday, hinted that a breakthrough in relations with the Gulf state ...
John Mearsheimer's blog
I did an interview with Isaac Chotiner of The New Yorker on 7 March 2025 about the war in Ukraine.
On 7 March 2025, I was on "The Duran" with Glenn Diesen and Alexander Mercouris.
Jornal Económico
Portugal terá as terceiras legislativas em apenas três anos.
O juiz William Alsup concluiu que as demissões não cumprem a lei federal e exigiu que fossem enviados pedidos imediat...
Journal of Commerce
But Yang Ming said significant uncertainties continue to affect the global trade outlook, saying “key risk factors” i...
Executives from CSX and Norfolk Southern say that while the market is no longer as strongly pro-shipper as it was a y...
Juan Cole: Informed Comment
Oakland, Ca. (Special to Informed Comment; Feature) – The efforts to discredit and suppress the film No Other Land ar...
By Ali Mamouri, Deakin University Shortly after the fall of Bashar al-Assad’s regime in Syria, the new government led...
Julian Macfarlane blog
Syrian Coast on Fire
Litigating Ukraine: subtext
Kommersant (Коммерсантъ)
Если Кремль согласится временно прекратить огонь на Украине, это приведет к полному завершению конфликта, считает пре...
Глава Минфина США Скотт Бессент заявил о готовности максимально усилить санкции в отношении России, если это будет ну...
Kyiv Post
Both countries have repeatedly said a comprehensive peace deal to end their long-standing animosity is within reach, ...
Putin wants a weak, failed Ukrainian state. Obviously Ukraine wants the opposite.
Labourlist (UK Labour party)
Today’s speech was a powerful statement of intent from the prime minister, and a step in the right&#8230;
Keir Starmer is facing a backlash from trade unions over his plans to reform the "flabby" state as&#8230;
The Lancet
We read with considerable interest the Article by Victor Tumukunde and colleagues1 on the effectiveness of kangaroo m...
“Littlewoods. Doyens, please”, I call as I perform a caesarean section. “Spencer Wells. Green-Armytages, please.” Obs...
Larry Johnson's blog
What an honor. I was invited, along with Judge Napolitano and Mario Nawfal, to interview Russian Foreign Minister Lav...
I just took off from Domodedovo Airport, which is southeast of downtown Moscow. On the way to the airport, I saw a va...
The Lever [David Sirota]
Trump has deployed television’s Dr. Mehmet Oz to auction off the country’s public health care system to the highest b...
Dark money groups tied to conservative power broker Leonard Leo are trying to kill a rule forcing them to disclose wh...
Linux Magazine
If you`re a fan of the Gnome Dash to Panel extension, you`ll be thrilled to hear that a new version has been released...
Los Angeles Times
The contract extension will allow NBCUniversal to broadcast the 2034 Olympic Games in Salt Lake City on NBC and strea...
A civil service law requires an administrative agency to hear complaints. Judges have thrown out lawsuits from unions...

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